Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA)


6 important reasons for Grooming your Pet.

Dog bath

Brushing and bathing your Canine companion is a great way to keep them looking great. It’s also about much more! Here we will tell you about just a few of the many great benefits of grooming your dog regularly.

Firstly, it is about keeping their skin and fur healthy. Grooming your dog with an appropriately bristled brush is a great way to remove grime from the coat, smooth tangles and prevents Mats, and ensure that your dog’s coat stays smooth and shiny. Bathing with a canine-formulated shampoo is also helpful, just make sure you don’t go overboard with bathing, as doing so frequently can actually dry out the skin and coat. Ask your Veterinarian about the recommended times your dog has to take a bath.

Regular grooming sessions doubles as a great opportunity to give your pet a quick health check. While brushing or bathing them, run your hands over the body to check for any lumps, bumps, bruises, abrasions or anything else out of the ordinary. Don’t keep it to yourself, let your Veterinarian know as soon as you find something abnormal.

Another reason for grooming pets is to reduce excessive shedding. Think about the mess ungroomed dogs do with their oversized fur. Running a brush through your dog’s fur traps loose or dead hair in the brush itself, keeping the fur moisturized, cutting down on shedding in the first place. All in all, regular brushing is simply one of the best and easiest ways to reduce your dog’s shedding! Consult your veterinarian for a recommendation on a great brush for your dog’s fur type.

Grooming Pets controls Allergies. Do you or a member of your family suffer from allergies to pet dander? Here is a secret many people don’t know about, grooming your dog regularly is important for managing the problem of Allergies. Brushing and bathing will keep things clean and fresh, ultimately cutting down on the amount of pet hair and dander found around your home. Ask a Veterinarian for further advice.

Let’s talk about unpleasant odor from dogs, terrible right? An ungroomed pet may start to smell, if you’ve noticed any odor lingering around your living space, grooming may be the key to getting things back to normal! Brushing and bathing work well to remove grime and keep your pet smelling great, reducing unpleasant odors around your home.

Lastly, grooming helps to keep a strong bond between you and your dog. The relationship you and your dog share is a strong one. Its important to nurture that bond! Grooming provides an easy and effective opportunity to do that.

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