Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA)

LSPCA Clinic


Sterlisation is the surgical removal of testes in males (castration) or the removal of the uterus in females (spay), and is carried out under general anaesthetic. There are many reasons to sterilise your pet: prevention of unwanted puppies or kittens; reducing behavioural problems; prevention of unwanted attention from male dogs when in season; and reducing health problems including the risk of testicular, cervical and mammary cancers as well as the prevention of uterus infections (pyometra).

Spay Dr Precious

This procedure can be carried out from six months of age, and is an out-patient procedure where your animal is admitted to the clinic in the morning and taken home late afternoon.

If you would like further information on this procedure or would like to book your pet in for sterilisation, please call +265 (0) 995 027 815.

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You'll find us in Kanengo-Roberts/Area 28, on the outskirts of Lilongwe city. When driving from the city center/Lilongwe town on the M1, just passed Area 30 police, turn at Total filling station, then take your second turn to the right, then first turn left, and about 300 metres you'll see our signpost.

Hospital Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 07:30-16:30

Saturday 08:00-12:00

Sunday 10:00 - 12:00

 +265 994 682 900 - Emergency (24/7)